筑波大学 University of Tsukuba 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻 Graduate School of Business Sciences MBA Program in international Business

University Ethics Challenge in 2022 organized by CFA Society Japan

Congratulations to Team Tsukuba for winning the University Ethics Challenge (Japan Competition) in 2022 organized by CFA Society Japan, achieving the “2 RENPA” of the CFA Ethics Challenge in Japan. We are enormously proud of our team.

We greatly appreciate the strong support from CFA Society Japan, Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd., FinCity.Tokyo, Financial Services Agency, committee volunteers and insightful questions and comments from Judges.

CFA Ethics Challenge 2022

Here are the comments from our team members:

"The CFA Ethics Challenge was a great opportunity to learn about ethics in business situations. During our late-night calls, we always had difficult discussions on analyzing the provided case because our team members had different perspectives each. However, we respected each other’s opinions and it could enhance the quality of our analysis. That was definitely a key to our success.
Discussion with classmates from diverse backgrounds is one of the best things of learning at MBA-IB. I would like to express my gratitude to CFA Institute and University of Tsukuba for giving us this opportunity, and to our mentor Assistant Prof. Gu and my teammates for guiding me along the way."
~ Tomoko Fujii ~

"This competition provided us a great opportunity to learn about ethics and also be able to implement this knowledge in our future ventures. Our team with the support of our mentor was able to have good preparations before the competition. Our teamwork enabled us to make the maximum use of each member's potential and we were able to provide the best materials during the competition.
I sincerely wish that our university captures the top position in future completions as well and I will try my best to help the future participants to achieve this."
~ Amit Gupta ~

"The CFA Ethics Challenge was a great opportunity for me to learn and practice ethical decision-making skills. This is not only for students who work in the finance industry, many references for the general business person as well.
It was a great experience to be able to apply what I learned from the MBA-IB, and push my boundary within a limited amount of time. And, needless to say, all the time spent with my enthusiastic teammates is one of my best memories during the MBA-IB journey."
~ Jia Wells ~

CFA Ethics Challenge 2022
