筑波大学 University of Tsukuba 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻 Graduate School of Business Sciences MBA Program in international Business

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ケヴィン K.W. ホー (Kevin K.W. Ho)

MBA-IB Faculty Profile

ケヴィン K.W. ホー (Kevin K.W. Ho)

Kevin K.W. Ho

Applied Information Area

Introduction to Information Security
Management Information Systems
Quantitative Methods

Ph.D. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
M.Sc. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
M.A. University of Oklahoma
M.Phil. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Kevin K.W. Ho joined the MBA Program in International Business, Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, at the University of Tsukuba in April 2022. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. Over the past twelve years, he has been teaching at the University of Guam.

Kevin’s research focuses on electronic service, information systems and social media commerce strategy, fake news and misinformation, and sustainability management. His research has been published in Behaviour & Information Technology, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, Decision Support Systems, Government Information Quarterly, Health Policy, IEEE IT Professional, Information Systems Frontier, Information & Management, Internet Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Sciences, etc. He is currently the Co-Editor(-in-chief) of Library Hi Tech.

Before his academic career, he worked as a manager in various government departments in Hong Kong and has experience in financial management and human resources management.