筑波大学 University of Tsukuba 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻 Graduate School of Business Sciences MBA Program in international Business

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MBA‐IB Difference

MBA‐IB Difference

The MBA-IB Program was launched as a professional school located on the University of Tsukuba’ s Tokyo campus to develop global managers equipped for careers in international business. To further this aim, English is used as the official language and approximately half of the faculty is made up by international professors. The student body is also diverse with alumni from 23 different countries.

To respond to the globalization of the economy and the exponentially-increasing advances in ICT, the MBA-IB Program incorporates the areas of “Applied Information” and “International Adaptability” to the traditional business school areas of “Organizational Management” and “Business Strategy.” The MBA-IB Program is designed to nurture the students’ ability to tackle complex business issues through a structured and practical curriculum that encompasses these four areas of interdisciplinary study.
