筑波大学 University of Tsukuba 国際経営プロフェッショナル専攻 Graduate School of Business Sciences MBA Program in international Business

Team Tsukuba was awarded the President's Award

Given the great contributions to our university, Team Tsukuba (Team members: Tomoko Fujii [team leader], Amit Gupta, and Jia Wells) was awarded the President's Award.

President's Award

All members dedicated themselves to preparing for University Ethics Challenge, organized by CFA Society Japan. Within a short preparation period (from June 12 to 19), as working persons, they did a great job of submitting the abstract by the deadline and passed the first screening.

After announcing the first screening result on June 20, they conducted a well-organized presentation material and submitted it within five days.
During the final presentation on June 26, all members presented confidently and performed well during the Q&A session.

Eventually, Team Tsukuba won the 2022 University Ethics Challenge (Japan Competition) among the intense competition with the other four teams from three Universities (i.e., Hitotsubashi University, Kobe University, and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Univerity).

With that, Team Tsukuba achieved the "2 RENPA" of the CFA Ethics Challenge in Japan.
The news of this event is also published online by CFA Society Japan.
